Hypnosis Works!

Change Starts with MINDSET, Are You Ready!

Past Life Regression, Finding Your Purpose, Build Confidence, Release Anxiety, Achieve Success, Sport Performance, Improve Self Esteem

The Past Life Regression Specialist

I help people just like you to resolve everyday problems.

Free 15-Minute Discovery Call



“Making sure you live your life to the fullest”

Meet Traci

Hi, and welcome! I’m Traci Kingren, CHT. I specialize in Past Life Regression, self-development, focus & control, sports performance and anxiety. I’m here to help you transform your life with hypnosis — change starts within your mind. Are you ready!!

Traci Kingren, CHt is a skilled Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist, and Certified Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis.  I have over 1200 hours in training from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and the Hypnosis Motivational Institute.  I am dedicated to helping people create positive life changes. 

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis involves altering the state of your focused attention. We enter and exit states of hypnosis each day during activities like daydreaming and reading. During hypnosis, we unintentionally access our subconscious mind, where we store our beliefs, emotions, and past memories that impact our daily patterns. In essence Hypnosis is a creatively relaxing, enjoyable and invigorating way to heal deeply rooted emotional issues.

Our Services

Healing with Hypnosis


Hypnotherapy is meditation with a goal. It works because Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to bring you into a deep focused, relaxed state which you can make extremely powerful changes in your life that allows your desires and new thoughts to penetrate into the subconscious mind to create new behaviors and beliefs.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis or QHHT, may be the most profound and transformational experience of your life. QHHT® is a journey in consciousness, a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within.

Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis

BQH is also a form of regressive hypnosis that utilizes other modalities such as Reiki healing and spiritual cleansing during the session. This is a modified version of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis. These sessions are available online or in person.

Free 15-Minute Consultation