There are many reasons people come for a QHHT® session. Most clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They come with a desire to make their life better. Many times, they may feel an inner knowing that they are meant to be doing something different with their life but need clarity on what that something is. And sometimes they come with questions about our universe, God or Source and their connection to it.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT. This technique takes you beyond the usual past life method where you are guided into a deep state of relaxation which allows for your conscious mind to step aside in order for your Subconscious or higher self to speak through you more clearly. Your higher self has the answers to all the questions you have about your life, your relationships, your health, your life’s purpose, and the lessons you are here to learn. To really find your true self we need to ask questions, so you will be asked to bring in a list of the most important questions you want answers and insights to.
Prior to the session we will have a preliminary phone consultation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: QHHT is not a done-for-you quick fix or miracle cure. While miraculous things have happened for many clients, this is a co-creative process that is entirely dependent on your willingness to let go of all expectations/judgements and trust what comes to mind. This technique always works, the question is "are you willing to work with it?" Please visit what to expect section below to learn more.
*** QHHT Sessions are IN PERSON ONLY and require a NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT***